Archive for August, 2011

Visitors to CFRM

Posted in Uncategorized on August 10, 2011 by crossfitrockymount

It was great to have Mike & Alicia Baker from CF Vitality in Concord visit CFRM and do our WOD today.  They are spending their vacation visiting          eight CrossFit boxes in four days and doing the scheduled WOD at each. Whew! They have already visited Asheville, Greensboro and Clayton among others. You’ve got to admire their passion for CrossFit and I am totally honored that they chose CrossFit Rocky Mount as one of their stops. They were highly complementary of our facility and especially our programming, saying they learned more from our WOD than any other.  Their visit is a symbol of the community of CrossFit and reminds us we are a part of something big. We wish Mike & Alicia well in the final leg of their trip tomorrow in Greenville and Mount Olive.

CFRM Pictures

Posted in Uncategorized on August 8, 2011 by crossfitrockymount

Strength period

Posted in Uncategorized on August 7, 2011 by crossfitrockymount

Over the next six to eight weeks our programming will be based on strength conditioning developed by my friend Tony at CrossFit Wilmington. The first few weeks are preparatory in nature. They will prepare us for the heavier work to come. Technique, not weight will be our focus. It is not our goal! It is our focus, our purpose.

I plan to beat the form and technique issue to death. Full range of motion (ROM) is required. I would rather you do a full squat with 175 than a half (or should I say half-assed) squat with 205. Those that can’t or won’t squat below parallel need to own up to it and fix it.

This programming will include movements not always seen in CrossFit. While the focus will be on the squats, presses and pulls, we will also incorporate supporting movements. Movements that keep us from developing imbalances that can develop when only doing full body, multi-joint movements.

Take advantage of this phase of our training. This is when you can really lean out and gain solid muscle. Muscle we’ll use to power through the metcons we love so much.

Ideally, you will take 2 days off each week (not usually a problem at CFRM). Off means myofascial release and stretching, not a light workout or “easy” run. Recovery is the most important part of an effective program.

Diet is just as important now as ever. The lifting will make you hungry. Do not eat the carbs. Up your protein to help with the cravings. Also make sure to take your fish oil and consider BCAAs.

So let’s get strong. This is where you can make the most improvements in your fitness… Give it your all.